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Our Doctors

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors who make Vision Source the leading provider of vision care products and services in Lakewood Ranch and Parrish, Florida.

Dr. Troy Bedinghaus, O.D.

Board Certified Optometrist

Dr. Troy Bedinghaus is the President, CEO, and Medical Director of Vision Source – Lakewood Ranch and Vision Source – Parrish.  He completed his bachelor’s degree in biology at Texas

A&M University and received his doctorate degree at the University of Houston College of Optometry. He is an active member of the American Optometric Association, Florida Optometric Association and is past president of the Manasota Optometric Society. He has been practicing in Manatee County since 1997. Dr. Bedinghaus is also a member of the American Academy of Myopia Control & Orthokeratology and is certified by Paragon Vision Sciences to perform Corneal Refractive Therapy.and

In 2004, Dr. Bedinghaus founded Vision Source – Lakewood Ranch, a private practice where he delivers personalized and professional eye and vision care to his patients.  After the rapid growth of Parrish, Florida, which is in North Manatee county,  Dr. Bedinghaus constructed another 5400 square foot building and opened Vision Source – Parrish in January 2020.

Dr. Bedinghaus and his wife, Treva have six children, three boys and three girls. They are residents of Lakewood Ranch, Florida and active members of the community. They enjoy working on home improvement projects, playing guitar and watching their children participate in ballet and basketball activities.

Dr. Jordan Petrosky, O.D.

Board Certified Optometrist

Dr. Jordan Petrosky received his bachelor’s degree with Honors in Biomedical Sciences from the University of South Florida and earned his doctorate degree with Honors at Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry. He completed his residency in Primary Care, Ocular disease and Low Vision at the C.W. Bill Young “Bay Pines” VA Medical Center, one of the busiest VA Eye Clinics in the state of Florida. He is an active member of the AOA, FOA and Manasota Optometric Society.

Dr. Petrosky enjoys the treatment and management of ocular disease including the treatment of glaucoma, dry eye, progressive myopia, and specific corneal degenerations requiring specialty contact lenses.

He was born and raised in Port Charlotte, Florida and is the youngest of three children. He now lives in Bradenton with his wife, Dr. Olga Sokol, who is also an optometrist at Vision Source. Together they enjoy traveling, cooking and spending time with their family, most of whom live in Southwest Florida. In his spare time he enjoys fishing and golfing.

Dr. Olga Sokol, O.D.

Board Certified Optometrist

Dr. Olga Sokol completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Tampa in Tampa, FL and earned her Doctor of Optometry degree at Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry where she graduated with honors.  Her externship training was completed at the C.W. Bill Young “Bay Pines” VA Medical Center in St. Petersburg, Fl  and CorrectVision Laser Institute in Ft. Lauderdale, FL where she received training in the diagnosis and management of anterior and posterior segment conditions such as dry eye disease, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, macular degeneration as well as co-management of LASIK and Cataract Surgery. Dr. Sokol is a member of the Beta Sigma Kappa International Honor Society, American Optometric Society, Florida Optometric Society and the Manasota Optometric Society.

Dr. Sokol delivers excellent and compassionate eye care to patients of all ages and is known for her caring and professional demeanor. She will take the time to listen to you and determine how to best meet your visual needs.

Raised in New York City, Dr. Sokol loves living in southwest Florida where she enjoys spending her free time exploring the beautiful beaches, cooking, and traveling with her husband, Dr. Jordan Petrosky, who is also an optometric physician.

Dr. Amara Turner, O.D.

Board Certified Optometrist

Dr. Amara Turner completed her undergraduate studies at Texas Christian University and earned her Doctor of Optometry degree from Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry.

Born in San Antonio, Dr. Turner spent her childhood between Norman, Oklahoma, and Fort Worth, Texas, with family ties in both states. She loves spending time outdoors, reading on the beach, and savoring a good cup of coffee. Her favorite pastime is weightlifting.

Dr. Turner is passionate about optometry because it allows her to provide personalized care and directly improve her patients’ quality of life by enhancing their most precious sense: sight. She has a special interest in binocular vision and pediatric eye care, and she is dedicated to offering her patients the latest advancements in contact lens technology.
